Introduction And Background
Traditionally buildings have been monitored using crack widths or precise levels with readings taken every two or three months. This often delays the claim as we wait for the next set of readings.
Determining whether the soils are desiccated or not relied on a ‘snapshot in time’ with investigations undertaken on a particular day, and sometimes, when we are busy, months after the damage was notified. We could easily be testing soils in December to see if there was desiccation in September in busy years. The results often caused more debate than they resolve.
Homeowners are asked to take days off work for people to take further readings, and sometimes the results didn’t add much to the diagnosis. Remote boreholes sometimes suggest the soils are drier than those taken nearer to the tree and monitoring readings in August and perhaps November don’t always tell the full story.
To resolve this a new range of sensors, linked wirelessly to the web, have been developed. We can now measure movement, moisture change and temperature daily, without leaving our office.
The objective is to measure movement/moisture change to a higher resolution without the need for so many visits to site and to improve service. Instead of the homeowner waiting two or there months for the next set of readings, they can, if they want, view their home daily over the web. Instead of guessing, they have the assurance that sophisticated devices are monitoring their home daily.
For detailed instructions on using the sites applications visit the Instructions page>>>